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◎ 单词释义

n. 斯蒂芬斯(地名);史蒂芬斯(人名)

n English writer (1832-1904)



Stephen and his fellow rebels from themselves.


Stephen, you have no idea what you're getting yourself into.

斯蒂芬 你根本不知道 这条路会带来怎样的后果

Stephen, he left so that you could have a life.

斯蒂芬 他离开是为了让你能正常生活

Stephen, I know that you have ties to them.

斯蒂芬 我知道你和他们关系匪浅

Stephen, you can't turn on your own kind.

斯蒂芬 你不能跟自己人作对

Stephen, they're going to kill your friend.

斯蒂芬 他们要杀了你的朋友

Stephen, you need to help me with my hair.

史蒂芬 你得帮我打理打理头发

Stephen is our best chance to stop him.


Stephen. I get it. It's a lot of pressure.

斯蒂芬 我知道 这压力很大

Stephen. I'm sorry to just show up.

斯蒂芬 抱歉我不请自来了