
音标/读音 ['ɒ:ditә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 审计员, 听者, 旁听生
[经] 审计(查帐)员, 审计师, 会计检查员

n. a student who attends a course but does not take it for credit
n. a qualified accountant who inspects the accounting records and practices of a business or other organization



It's a combination of predator and auditor.


The auditor's in the bathroom washing up for the kill.


The independent auditor will be reviewing this incident.


Yeah, but I never actually assaulted an auditor before.

没错 可我从没动手打过审计员

Yeah, after his new independent auditor gave him the idea.

肯定是那位新来的 独立审查员给他出的主意

Dad, the auditors are going through every dime we spend.

爸 审计员盯着我们花的每一分钱

Last year ‭the auditors came this close.

去年 审计员就差这么一点

No company in the world has been subjected to more scrutiny from you gentlemen in the press, from auditors, from accountants.

全世界没有一家 像我们这样受到严密关注的公司 无论是你们媒体界的关注 还是审计员 会计员的审查

I've got auditors, federal agents in my office, going through every file, every document.

稽核员 和联邦探员都在我办公室 查看每一份文件和档案