
音标/读音 [ɜ:kt]
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◎ 单词释义

v. <正, 文>使烦恼, 激怒( irk的过去式和过去分词 )

v irritate or vex


1. To see this sight it irks my very soul.

看到这景象 我感到深深不安

2. Yeah, I've never been less irked to be beaten to the punch before.

我从来都没有 因为台词被抢这么恼火过

3. Now, from my desk, I would have an unobstructed view, and that kind of irks me.

从我的桌子上 能毫无阻碍地看到一切 这有点让我不爽

4. I never had that in my life before, and sometimes it irked me, but now I think it's the thing that I will miss the most.

之前我从未被这样对待过 有的时候这让我很苦恼 但现在我想这是我最想念的事了

5. I imagine I have you to thank for that so you will be irked to hear that despite your best endeavors, your hu*and and the father of your unborn child still breathes.

我猜想这是拜你所赐 所以你会很恼怒 尽管你已竭尽全力 但你丈夫也是你未出生孩子的父亲还活着
