
音标/读音 [tә'mɒ:rәu]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 明天, 未来
adv. 明天, 未来地

n. the day after today
n. the near future
r. the next day, the day after, following the present day



Let's talk about this tomorrow. I'm not in tomorrow.

那我们明天再谈 我明天休息

But tomorrow tomorrow is gonna be trickfree.

但是明天呢 明天就绝对没问题了

My point is, the past is past, but tomorrow is tomorrow.

我想说的是 过去就让它过去吧 我们还有更美好的明天

It will be all day tomorrow and tomorrow night.


I know that tomorrow... tomorrow's totally the day.

我知道明天 绝对会是最棒的一天

Making it from today to tomorrow, and tomorrow is not likely to be any different.

维持一天天的生计 可每天都过着一样的单调生活

Tomorrow, you could be here with him.

明天在这陪你的 可能就是他了

Well, if we don't have this conversation today, we're gonna have it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

就算我们今天不谈 总有一天我们会谈谈的

Just never had the guts to give it to her, but tomorrow, tomorrow I will.

我从没鼓起勇气把信交给她 但明天 明天我会给她的

You have to tell me why we have to air the story tomorrow night and not a week from tomorrow night.

你得告诉我为什么我们要明晚前 报道这条新闻 而不是一周后的明晚