
音标/读音 [i'leiʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 得意洋洋, 兴高采烈
[医] 得意[洋洋], 高兴

n. an exhilarating psychological state of pride and optimism; an absence of depression
n. a feeling of joy and pride



But with you, I've found a kind of elation.

但跟你在一起 我体会到了一丝欢欣

He was elated when his father rescued him.


And partly elation that you have finally made it.

也会很兴奋 当你终于凯旋回来时

When I set sail for home, I was full of elation.

当我踏上归途时 心中充满了喜悦

you know, when we make up after a breakup I'm elated, and then... I hate myself.

每次分手后我们复合我都兴高采烈 然后又恨我自己

Also an elation in being the one that walks away.

并且 我有点得意自己是那个全身而退的人

I'm surprised and elated to see you out and around so quickly.

看到您这么快就站了起来 我很惊讶也很高兴

The titillation, horror, elation they're parlor tricks.

兴奋 恐怖 得意 这都只是小把戏

Keep anything that fills you with elation and happy memories.


Tonight when I saw that I didn't have that bloody keypad, you know, I was elated.

今晚我看见自己没带键盘的时候 你要知道 我很开心