
音标/读音 ['lʌsti]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 健壮的, 精力充沛的

s vigorously passionate
s endowed with or exhibiting great bodily or mental health



I'm gonna need you to talk to me about this lusty cover.

我想让你跟我讲讲 这个充满情欲的封面

I may be old, but I am still strong and lusty.

我可能老了 但我还是强壮并且有活力

His wife said he got lusty about me on his death bed.


I mean, Iif I'd been you, twice a day I would have loved her up like a lusty lion.

我是说 如果我是你 一天两次 我会像雄狮一样迷恋她

A gang of lusty males can kill a young calf if he gets in their way.

如果幼仔妨碍了他们寻欢作乐 雄海豚甚至会杀了幼仔

As any colleague with a penchant for beautiful women, or as any man who bears his inexplicable appeal to young lusty royals.

像那些倾慕着 美丽女人的 同好者一样 或者像那些觉得年轻又精力十足的皇室成员 拥有说不清道不明吸引力的人