
音标/读音 ['sʌlfaid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 硫化物
[化] 硫化物

n. a compound of sulphur and some other element that is more electropositive



One of them is chronic potassium sulfide inhalation.


Ruskin must've known about the mercury sulfide.


You each have dangerous levels of mercury sulfide in your blood.


No, the hydrogen sulfide collection went off without a stitch.

不是 不费吹灰之力[*衣服]就搞到了硫化氢

Both victims had sodium sulfide and chlorine residue on their skin.


Whatever hydrogen sulfide there is left in the air is already dissipating.

反正空气里还剩下的硫化氢 也要消散了

I've had a theory that what we think is the bottom might actually be a layer of hydrogen sulfide.

我有一个理论 我们认为海洋的底部 实际上可能是一层硫化氢

Sulfide toner from the photo lab, mineral asset from forensics, and a urinal cake.

照片室的硫化墨粉 鉴定室的矿物资源 一个便池除臭剂

This will split the water into oxygen and hydrogen, which will combine with the sulfur in the water to make hydrogen sulfide bubbles.

这会将水分解为氧气和氢气 它们再和水中的硫结合在一起 形成硫化氢泡泡

Once the cake dissolves, the chemicals mix, and you get a lethal cloud of hydrogen sulfide gas and a secondary explosive that spreads it through the building.

一旦除臭剂溶解 化学物质混合 就会产生杀伤力极大的硫化氢云团 之后炸弹爆炸会让硫化氢扩散到整幢楼里