
音标/读音 ['rænsæk]
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◎ 单词释义

vt. 到处搜索, 遍寻, 掠夺, 洗劫
[法] 洗劫, 抢劫, 掠夺

v steal goods; take as spoils
v search thoroughly



The place was ransacked before I got here.


He deserves to have his truck ransacked.


God, you're so sexy when you're ransacking.

天 你洗劫的时候真性感

You let it escape, and it's ransacked my premises.

是你让它溜走了 害我的卧室遭了秧

No. I dropped my lucky seashell during all the ransacking.

不 我在搜查的时候弄丢了我的幸运海螺

The bailiffs coming in, ransacking the place.

那些法警进来 洗劫了屋子

No, there was a broken window, and they ransacked the place.

不会 窗户破了 东西被翻得乱七八糟

And then he starts ransacking my bathroom, looking for pills.

然后他开始在我的浴室 乱翻 想找药丸

A baby whose apartment was ransacked in the night.


Pfeffer's office was ransacked, and the files were missing.

费弗的办公室被翻过 丢了不少文件