
音标/读音 [tʃimp]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 黑猩猩

n intelligent somewhat arboreal ape of equatorial African forests



A chimp has to try to understand what the other chimp is thinking.

黑猩猩必须知道 其他黑猩猩的想法

Every chimp understands their status and the status of the chimps around them.

每只黑猩猩借此明确了他们自己 还有其他黑猩猩 在族群中的地位

Research in a zoo not only tells us more about the chimps and how they might be thinking, it gives the chimps new challenges.

这项研究 不仅让我们更加了解黑猩猩 了解他们是如何思考的 还给黑猩猩带来了全新的挑战

In some chimp colonies, researchers are able to provide mirrors to allow chimps this opportunity to get up close and personal with themselves.

在一些黑猩猩的聚居地 研究者们提供给他们镜子 让他们有了接触自我 认识自己的机会

I'll be working with all 11 chimps, who range from ten years old to 48, older than most chimps introduced to this sort of research.

我要面对11只黑猩猩 年龄从10岁到48岁不等 比以前接受此类研究的黑猩猩的年龄要大

So, if I hold up the chimp hand and the human hand, you can see that the chimp thumb is a bit weedy compared to the human thumb.

我现在拿着黑猩猩的手和人类的手 你们能看到黑猩猩的大拇指 与人的大拇指相比更纤细

I switched off the monitor so the images won't distract the chimps, but I'm leaving the camera running inside the box to make sure it works, whatever the chimps do.

我关掉了显示屏 这样影像就不会让黑猩猩分心了 但是我让摄影机一直运转着 以便确认不管黑猩猩做什么 它都能正常工作

It's just that once they're born, they have so much more growth to experience, particularly in the brain, and while we are achieving that growth, we also have much more to learn about how to be a human than a chimp has to learn about how to be a chimp.

只是在他们出生之后 他们还要经历更多的成长发育 尤其是大脑 在成长的过程中 关于如何成长为人我们还要学习很多 这可比黑猩猩学做黑猩猩复杂得多

I think of him as a very strong, you know, strong willed chimp, a very dominant chimp and he was very ambitious when he first became a young *, and he rose up the hierarchy really quickly for his age.

我把它看成一只意志坚定的 非常有统治力的黑猩猩 它刚成年时就非常有野心 而且它年龄不大就向上爬得很快

I could have paid a chimp in a suit.

给只猩猩套上西服 它也能做