
音标/读音 ['ɑ:triәm]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 中庭, 心房
[医] 房, 前房

n. any chamber that is connected to other chambers or passageways (especially one of the two upper chambers of the heart)
n. the central area in a building; open to the sky



I didn't know it was the morgue, I thought it was the atrium.

我又不知道那是停尸房 我以為是中庭呢

We'll have to reconstruct the atrium to get it closed.


I think the catheter's curling in the atrium.


I'm in the atrium, sir. I can see you.

我就在中庭 先生 我能看见你

Right atrium's torn clear off the cava.


Offering me tea in the atrium while he was up here carrying on with his mistresses.

他在这里和他的情人们在一起鬼混的时候 在大厅里给我端茶送水

There's an old loading conduit, but it's across the atrium.

有一条老的补给通道 但是在中庭的另一边

That chaise is gonna look lovely in my atrium.


Okay, I can try to aspirate the air from the atrium.


Found the bleed. ‭It's a hole in the left atrium.

找到出血口了 左心房有孔洞