
音标/读音 ['flʌdiŋ]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 充溢, 泛滥, 血崩
[计] 满屏幕; 扩散式路由选择

n a technique used in behavior therapy; client is flooded with experiences of a particular kind until becoming either averse to them or numbed to them
v fill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid
v cover with liquid, usually water
v supply with an excess of
v become filled to overflowing



So here we are, the street is flooded, the house is flooded and here is you, as a young man.

我们所站之处 整条街被淹 房子被淹 当时的你 一个年轻小伙

Oh, yeah, and if there's a flood, sandbags are handy in a flood.

是啊 万一发洪水 沙袋可用有呢

a flood, a zombie flood, a zunami of biblical proportions.

涌进现象 僵尸涌进 大面积的僵尸侵袭

The further they were getting into the flooded wetlands, the more revealing the landscape was becoming, even to those who see the flood each year.

随着他们不断深入涨水的湿地 湿地的景色逐渐呈现在眼前 就连每年都经历洪水的人也为之惊叹

As the flood levels increase, the watertight compartments fill until because they do not reach the deck level, they flood over.

随着水位上升 防水舱的水越积越多 直至无法到达甲板层的海水开始泛滥

We have our best team at reputation management flooding... flooding the search engines in the hopes this thing doesn't go mainstream.

我们找了最好的公关团队 不停...不停地在网上操作 希望能赶紧压下这件事

Scientists began looking for the source of this flood, a flood powerful enough to transport huge boulders all the way to the sea.

科学家们开始寻找洪水的来源 这场足以将大卵石 一路冲刷至海里的暴洪

Through these same tunnels, flooding them all.

还是从相同的隧道走 把这些都淹了

The section you were in was flooding.


If you don't recognize that, you'll both drown in the flood.

如果你们意识不到这一点 你们都将被滔滔洪水所淹没