
音标/读音 ['kləʊkɪŋ]
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◎ 单词释义

v. 遮盖, 掩盖( cloak的现在分词 )

v hide under a false appearance
v cover as if with clothing
v cover with or as if with a cloak



If only we had an invisibility cloak.


The cloak, when he has it on, he's different.

那个斗篷 当他穿上他的时候 他就不一样了

It always does that when its cloaked.


So that would be attached to your cloak or your hat.


I apologise for the cloak and dagger.

对于面罩和武器 真是非常抱歉

They were cloaked, so I couldn't see their faces.

他们穿着斗篷 我看不见他们的脸

You shouldn't have to live a life cloaked in secrecy.


I see you've used a spell to cloak her.

看来你是用了咒语 来隐藏她

Rebekah has been cloaked by powerful magic.

丽贝卡的行踪已经 被强大的魔法所隐藏

Why does it look like that? It's a cloaking device.

为什么是这个样子 这是一种伪装设备