
音标/读音 ['lipid, 'laipid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 脂类, 类脂物, 脂质
[化] 类脂; 脂质; 脂类

n. an oily organic compound insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents; essential structural component of living cells (along with proteins and carbohydrates)



The hives are the very first symptom, which is why the lipid envelope isn't present yet.

麻疹是最初的症状 所以脂肪包被还没出现

Well, her hemoglobin a1c and lipid panel indicate she takes extremely poor care of herself.

她的糖化血红蛋白和血脂说明 她基本不在意自己的身体健康

I used my triple lipid cream and my rosewater mister, but I just can't keep the glow today.

今天我用了三重滋润面霜和玫瑰水喷雾 但就是无法容光焕发

However, these cells are immature, they are not the lipid filled cells that we might consider in terms of weight gain and they can only get to that point if there's other hormones involved.

但是 这些细胞都不成熟 它们不是我们在讨论体重增加时 会考虑到的储存脂肪的细胞 只有还有其它激素参与时 它们才会继续发育为储脂细胞