
音标/读音 ['saidʃәu]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 杂耍, 附属活动, 枝节问题

n. a subordinate incident of little importance relative to the main event
n. a minor show that is part of a larger one (as at the circus)



You took all it was, turned it into a sideshow.

你带走了它的曾经 把它变成了一个杂耍的地方

you ran off with that sideshow phony.


Getting the stamp, a sideshow at best.

能拿到邮票 算是意外之喜

A tragic one, but a sideshow nonetheless.

一场悲剧 但却只是个余兴节目

She might've done this out of anger, but this is a sideshow.

她可能出于愤怒才这么做 但这不是重头戏

There were a ton of people at that illegal sideshow.


From now on, we're just a penniless sideshow.

今后 我们只是身无分文无关紧要的人了

I don't know how I'm going to explain that little sideshow.


I'm not gonna have my courtroom turned into a circus sideshow.


Okay, you may continue with your little sideshow.

好吧 你们可以继续你们的小闹剧