音标/读音 []
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

国会议员, 典礼官, 司仪, 医疗队
[计] 机器周期, 磁卡片, 主脉冲, 主控制

n one million periods per second



Looks like mc state's got a new power couple.


I looked into the ghost's background, and I saw that he pays tuition for a student at mc state.

我查了鬼见愁的资料 我看到他给一个美罗城大学的在校生交学费

Schmidt: I just want to say that it was bizarre not to share the fact that your daughter went to mc state.

我只是想说 我只是觉得你没说你女儿 在美罗城大学太奇怪了