
音标/读音 ['er,straik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 空袭;空中打击



He's our only shot at calling off this airstrike.


You want to take him on, you best call in an airstrike.

要跟他较量 你恐怕不够打的

Abuddinian airstrikes have killed our brothers, our sisters, our sons and daughters.

阿布丁发动的空袭杀死了 我们的兄弟 我们的姐妹 还有我们的儿女

When you're afraid, it lights up like a midnight airstrike, sharpens the senses.

你害怕的时候 它会活跃起来 就像午夜空袭 让感觉变灵敏

Someone's gonna have to take the fall for ordering an airstrike without proper authorization.

有人得为在未授权的情况下 发动空袭而担责

One of those contractors barely escaped a coalition airstrike that mistook a shelter for a military bunker.

其中一个承包商 勉强逃过了一次联合空袭 但那次只是因为把避难所错当了地堡