
音标/读音 ['raundә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 巡行者, 看夜人, 巡官, (美)(非正式)浪荡子, 惯犯, 酒鬼

n. a tool for rounding corners or edges



Otherwise I'd have a rounder head and more brains.

不然我的脑袋会更圆 还会有更多脑子

No, the lump is slightly larger than mine and... rounder.

不是 肿块比我的稍微大点 还圆点

I just learned what rounders was today, and in all fairness, no, no, it's not like that.

我今天刚刚知道圆场棒球是什么 说句公道的 不 它们俩完全不一样

Women usually have a wider rounder pelvis to accommodate childbirth.

女性的骨盆通常更宽更圆 因为要生产