
音标/读音 ['ritʃli]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 富裕地, 丰富地, 充分地

r to an ample degree or in an ample manner
r in a rich manner
r in a rich and lavish manner



It's a very rich flaouna, a very rich pie.

丰盛的福娄娜 丰盛的派

I knew your family was rich, but I didn't know they were rich.

我知道你家很有钱 但我不知道会这么有钱

I mean, there's rich, and then there's, like, crazy rich.

我是说 有钱和富豪还是有区别的

It's rich kids going to a rich kid's school.


The rich ones want more riches, or power over the world.

富有的则想要更加富有 或是权倾世界

Katie, I've been rich, and I've been poor, and, trust me, rich is better.

凯蒂 我富过也穷过 相信我 富更好

You've got a rich dad suddenly and a rich baby daddy.

你突然有了个富爸爸 你孩子也有了个富爸爸

Find rich kids, and jack them of their rich kid stuff.

找富二代 然后偷走这些富二代的东西

I need to get really rich, though, not pretty rich.

但我要特别有钱才行 不是很有钱

Bitsy is a rich old lady, and this is her little rich dog.

贝琪是个阔太太 而这是她的阔狗狗