
音标/读音 [pri:'dʒʌdʒ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 预先判断, 对...预先作出判决

v. judge beforehand, especially without sufficient evidence



Everyone prejudged him, but I got him off.

人人都急着认定他有罪 但我帮他脱罪了

I know that. I'm trying not to prejudge.

我知道 我在试着不过早判断

I see a little prejudgment on your face.


I get prejudged plenty. I try not to return the favor.

我常被人以貌取人 因此我不会做那种事

I guess this means now I need to ask you about what you do to prove I didn't prejudge you.

那么 我现在得问问你是做什么的 来证明我之前对你没有偏见

And only 'cause people prejudge you when you say that, and I don't wanna scare the new girl.

因为这么说人们会先入为主 我不想吓到那个新来的姑娘

Only people like you, who have friends among us, who do not prejudge us, because you judge from experience.

只有你这样的人 会跟我们做朋友 不会先入为主评判我们 因为你靠事实讲道理