
音标/读音 [lint]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 绷带用麻布, 皮棉
[医] 绒布(外科用布)

n. fine ravellings of cotton or linen fibers
n. cotton or linen fabric with the nap raised on one side; used to dress wounds


1. It's a lint roller, not a lint dagger.

这是滚动粘毛器 不是用来戳的

2. And I saw lint the other day, multiple lint.

那天我還看見你衣服上有毛絮 好多毛絮

3. If everyone cleaned out their lint trap, people would be talking about lint traps all the time.

如果人人都清理了他们的绒毛捕集器 他们就会一刻不停地谈论绒毛捕集器

4. There's no plates, no lint, no *udges.

没有刮痕没有破损 也没有污渍

5. It's all covered with lint and hair and... deliciousness.

上面全是线头 还有头发 看起来很美味

6. For some twentysomething, maybe, with lint in her head.


7. There's more than 500 units worth of lint in that dustcatcher.


8. And we are just, like, little lint, or something, to them.

对他们来说 我们就是微小的存在

9. I want every piece of lint *ysed.


10. And you lint traps helped me, so I suppose I have to help you.

你们之前帮过我 我想我也得帮你们
