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◎ 单词释义

[医] 硬脑[脊]膜

n the outermost (and toughest) of the 3 meninges



The tumor attachment to the dura is slightly anomalous.


All right, as soon as I cauterize this, we can get into the dura.

好 我一烧灼这个 就可以到达硬脑膜了

That exposes the outer lining of the brain, what's called the dura.

暴露出大脑外层 也就是硬脑膜

Because of his age we could only cryopreserve the dura matter in the membrane of the spinal column.

因为他年龄的关系 我们只有剩下的脑膜 脊髓干的膜

And it's wrapped around the spinal cord tightly and fused with the dura.

它紧紧套住了脊髓 和硬脊膜融合在一起

You remove the blood clot, and the brain has not started to swell out through the opening in the dura that you've made.

去除了血凝块 而大脑还没有开始通过 硬脑膜上的开口肿胀挤出

And underneath that you could see that the dura was tense, it was bulging, it was blue, and there was no pulsation of the brain in time with the heartbeat, which is what you see with a normal person.

骨瓣之下可以看到硬脑膜处于拉紧状态 凸起 发蓝 且脑中不存在 与心跳同步的脉搏 而这与正常人不同

Problem is if you open the lining of the brain, the dura, to let the clot out, and you do that too quickly, the brain can actually start to squeeze out through the opening in the lining that you've made, rather like toothpaste through a tube.

问题在于如果打开大脑外层 硬脑膜 取出凝块 如果动作太快 大脑就会开始通过 脑膜的开口向外挤出 就像从管中挤出牙膏一样