
音标/读音 ['kærәktәraiz]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 表示...的特性, 成为/是...的特性, 刻划/描述...的性格
vi. 在文艺作品中塑造人物, 描绘性格

v be characteristic of
v describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of



It's characterised by the formation of holes in the brain tissue.


This should be an amicable contest that's characterised by mutual respect.

这应该是一场友好的竞赛 双方相互尊重

Bipolar 1 disorder is characterised by mania.


No, I think it's probably better if I don't characterise that conversation that I didn't hear.

我觉得最好 还是别对没听到的谈话 主观臆断

The modernday psychopath is often characterised as the stuff of nightmares.

现代精神*者常被描述为 罪恶的集合体

wholly or predominantly characterised by the emission of a succession of repetitive beats".

全部或大部分 有连续重复的节拍

There is a slight softness and a little bit of more human characterisation, but only a tiny bit.

你会在它身上看到一点点温柔 稍微有点人性的一面 但只有那么一点点

Postpunk was characterised by refuseniks and malcontents who shunned the bright lights of the big time.

后朋克时期的显著特征是*者和反叛者 他们避开了朋克全盛时期的光辉

At the most severe end is bipolar 1, which is characterised by periods of extreme mood elevation often requiring hospital admission.

最严重的一种是第一型躁郁症 特征是间歇性极度情绪高涨 通常需要入院治疗