
音标/读音 ['lʌstrәs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 有光泽的, 光辉的

s. brilliant



Its lustrous shine has made this the most intoxicating colour.

耀眼夺目 无疑是最令人陶醉的颜色

Now tell me I don't got to kill this gent with the lustrous mane.

现在告诉我 我不必杀掉 这位长发飘飘的先生

His glowing, lustrous, robelike hangings seem to flow down the wall, as if sumptuously soft fabric.

他的悬挂雕塑像长袍般 闪闪发光 如华丽柔软的布料 沿着墙壁倾泻流淌

The theory is that if you really tax your brain, the neurofibers will become thicker and the glial cells more lustrous.

这理论是说如果你狠狠磨炼你的大脑 脑神经纤维会变得更粗壮 神经胶质细胞更有光泽

Its lustrous shine has made this the most intoxicating colour, one we've used throughout history to revere the things we hold most sacred.

耀眼夺目 无疑是最令人陶醉的颜色 成为古往今来圣物的代表