
音标/读音 ['meiti]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 易为人亲近的, 融洽的
n. 伙伴, 朋友

s (used colloquially) having the relationship of friends or pals



Your sea matey's teeth had falled out.

你的船员兄弟 牙都掉了

Right, come on, matey. In the big tank.

好 快来吧小兄弟 进到叔叔的水缸里来

Aw, you got a case of the scurvy, matey.

你诊断了一例坏血病啊 哥们

Oh, sorry, matey, I didn't realise you had company.

抱歉 伙计 我不知道你有客

We gotta get over your bachelor party first, matey.

我们得先办好你的单身派对 伙计

Moniker here on his credit card slip says different, matey.

他信用卡账单上的签名能证明 伙计

It looks like I might've got you out on a wild goose chase, matey.

看来我是让你白跑一趟了 伙计