
音标/读音 ['θreʃәuld]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 门槛, 入口, 开端, 阈
[计] 阈; 阈值

n. the starting point for a new state or experience
n. the smallest detectable sensation



Really? I thought that was the threshold.

是吗 我还以为那就是极限了

The threshold between your past and your future.


In that case, I... I know a threshold.

既然这样 我知道一个入口

You breached my threshold and threatened me.

你突破了底线 还威胁了我

And water, in a bowl, at the threshold.

还要水 放在碗里 放在门槛那

You, are right in the threshold, son.

只要你能跨过这道门槛 孩子

You are right on the threshold, son.

你只需要跨过这道坎 儿子

I made it to the threshold there when he got hit.

我跑到门口 他就中枪了

And their market share falls below the threshold.


He's not gonna pass the m'naghten threshold.
