
音标/读音 ['striŋә]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 纵梁, 楼梯基, 上弦工人, 出售弓弦的人, 制造弓弦的人

n. a member of a squad on a team
n. a worker who strings
n. brace consisting of a longitudinal member to strengthen a fuselage or hull
n. a long horizontal timber to connect uprights



You must be happy to be a stringer again.


Stringer's daughter is in the follow vehicle.


I was a stringer for the wire service that covered your war and then ours.

我是通讯社负责报道你们战争 和我们战争的的特约记者

there... there was a story, brought in a while back by a stringer, a real seatofyourpants radical.

确实有这么篇文章 是前不久一个特约记者写的 非常抓眼球 非常极端

I just saw the most wonderful article about your work at the stringer building downtown.

我刚刚看到一篇绝佳的文章 讲的是你对市中心老楼的改造

the magazine is prepared to offer an exclusive arrangement, meaning no stringers from some *alltown rag beating down your door.

该杂志已准备好进行独家采访 保证不会有什么乡野村夫上门叨扰

Look, even if you were a real reporter with a real press pass, not just some freelance stringer, you don't cross police lines, man.

听着 就算你不是什么自由职业的爆料人 是个有记者证的正经记者 也不能越过警戒线