
音标/读音 ['kwaiәbɔi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. (唱诗班的)少年歌者

n. a boy who sings in a choir



And that's what he wanted to be, he was a choirboy.

那就是他想做的事 他是个唱诗班男孩

Lucky for you, I was never attracted to choirboys.

算你走运 我从来就不喜欢唱诗班小男孩

Believe it or not, I ain't no choirboy neither.

不管你信不信 我也不是乖乖男

I mean, nothing your typical charlestown choirboy wouldn't do.

這位典型的查爾斯鎮小白臉 真是什么都干

Your new haircut's given you a kind of choirboy vibe.


Until this whole thing shakes out cleaner than a choirboy's pecker.

直到把整件事情 查个水落石出

You better act like choirboys for the next three years of your probation.

接下來的三年緩刑 你們最好都給我老實點