
音标/读音 ['vi:ikl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 交通工具, 车辆, 传播媒介
[化] 载体; 运载体; 漆料

n. a conveyance that transports people or objects
n. a medium for the expression or achievement of something
n. any substance that facilitates the use of a drug or pigment or other material that is mixed with it



Hit him in transit, vehicle to vehicle.

在他转移时出击 以车辆来迎战

And that means using things like electric vehicles, batterypowered vehicles, potentially even hydrogenpowered vehicles.

那意味着要使用电动汽车 电池动力汽车 甚至是氢动力汽车

Once the first vehicle is clear, the second vehicle proceeds.

第一辆车安全到达 第二辆才能继续前进

In the event, during powered flight that the vehicle strayed rather violently off course, the range safety officer could take action to destroy the vehicle, which obviously would occur after the astronauts were separated by their escape tower from the faulty vehicle.

在机动飞行的情况下 如果当火箭严重偏离路线时 发射站安全主任有权对其进行摧毁 当然 这会在宇航员们进入逃生舱后 再进行对其摧毁

I got a lot of vehicles in your price range, functional vehicles.

你这价钱范围内还有不少车型 性能都很好

Uh, this is the vehicle that the victim arrived in, and then another vehicle joined him.

這是被害人駕駛的車輛 還有另一輛車開來和他會合

I can equip you with a decade worth of gasoline, bullets, a vehicle, five vehicles.

我可以为你们提供 够你们用十年的汽油子弹和一辆车 五辆车也成

Gunshots coming from one side of the vehicle, gunshots coming from the other side of the vehicle.

枪声从车的一侧传来 枪声从车的另一侧传来

We have to have, while we're here, the back of the vehicle, well, all the sides, every part of the vehicle, is heavily armoured.

当我们到这的时候 我们必须要 让车尾部 车的各个方位 各个部分 全副武装起来

Yeah, so normally when I'm collecting evidence on a vehicle, it helps to not have somebody take the vehicle in the middle of the night.

通常当我在车里找证据的时候 不太希望有人在半夜 把这个车开走