
音标/读音 ['keipә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 跳跃
vi. 雀跃, 蹦跳

n. any of numerous plants of the genus Capparis
n. pickled flower buds used as a pungent relish in various dishes and sauces
n. a crime (especially a robbery)
n. a playful leap or hop



Where's the capers? I asked for capers on the damn bagel.

酸豆在哪 我要的是带酸豆的百吉饼

Guess I don't like movies about capers, either.


They walk, they stroll, they caper about, but they dinna march.

他们走路 散步 跳舞 但他们没有行军

I hear that you're setting up a... caper to rob a church.

我听说你在策划...不法活动 准备抢劫教堂

He was more interested in going on capers with her than with spending any time at all with me.

他更喜欢跟她一起去贫民区 却不愿意跟我待一小会

It's a supersneaky, kooky caper that stands to benefit you in no way.

这是一次秘密的疯狂行动 对你一点好处也没有

This caper is the most interesting goddamn thing that's ever happened to you.

而这勾当将是你人生中 最精彩的经历了

Just in case you forgot what this whole crazy caper is all about.


I wish he hadn't assisted in the illconceived caper to trap us in here.

真希望他没有 参与设计这么拙劣的陷阱把我们困在这

You're two minutes out, you already caught your first caper.

你才出来两分钟 就已经逮到你的第一个犯人了