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◎ 单词释义

n. 食物, 养料
[医] 食物, 食品

n. any substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue
n. any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment
n. anything that provides mental stimulus for thinking



I ate cat food, dog food, bird food, some human food, but not a lot.

我吃過貓糧狗糧和鳥食 也有些人吃的 但是不多

The frequency of food, the amount of food and also the quality of food.

进食频率 进食量以及食物质量

We've no food, so don't expect food.

我们没有食物 所以别惦记着吃饭

In effect what we are doing with bypass surgery is changing someone's brain fundamentally so their reaction to seeing highcalorie food is different and that would ultimately drive their choices of food so that they stop having that battle with food that they had before and are more like someone like yourself who doesn't have that same battle with food.

胃旁路手术 能够使人的大脑彻底改变 因此他们对高热量食物的反应发生了改变 而这又从根本上影响了他们对食物的选择 所以他们不用再像过去那样与食欲做挣扎 而是像你这样 拥有正常的食欲

So I need you to get food for me and I'll get food for you.

所以我要你去给我拿吃的 我也给你拿吃的

Well, I'd get more food if we had cash for more food, but we don't.

如果有钱 我会再买点的 可惜我们没钱

No food allergies, she's not pregnant, and her mom's all over her about food.

没有食物过敏 也没有怀孕 她妈妈对她的饮食管得很严

And, you know, my food is my heart, my heart is my food.

我做的食物就是我的靈魂 我的靈魂就是我做的食物

It's the food that makes other food worth eating.


He had food poisoning, he still has food poisoning.

他之前食物中毒了 现在还是食物中毒