
音标/读音 ['pɑ:mә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 朝圣者;变戏法的人;毛虫(尤指北美的小舌麦蛾幼虫)

n. United States golfer (born in 1929)



Palmer was trying to warn her about the attack.


Palmer's been on the precipice of death for 50 years.


Palmer has everything to lose by betraying us.

如果背叛我们 帕尔默会失去太多

Palmer's got all sorts of medical equipment here.


And he used to let me drink as many of these arnold palmers as I wanted.

他以前也会让我 想喝多少柠檬茶就喝多少

Palmer's was buying properties here, here, here, plus six or seven more upstate.

帕尔默在这里 这里 还有这 都买了地产 州北还有六七处

Palmer's statement says he might've cut the guy off in traffic, sir.

帕爾默的陳述里說 他可能擋住這家伙的路了 長官

For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.

神明的手本许信徒接触 掌心的密合远胜如亲吻

My mom even hired a band of sexy, stonefaced, robert palmer dancers from the jenkintown funk academy.

我妈甚至从珍金镇乡村爵士学院 雇了一队面无表情的 人肉背景板舞者