
音标/读音 ['feivәrәbl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 有用的, 良好的, 赞成的, 顺利的
[医] 良好的, 顺利的

a encouraging or approving or pleasing
a (of winds or weather) tending to promote or facilitate
s occurring at a convenient or suitable time
s presaging or likely to bring good luck



I will not trade favours for favourable coverage.


But you have to do me a favour, mate.

但你得先帮我个忙 兄弟

If it is a favour to you, then I accept.

如果这算是帮了你 那我接受邀请

I'll do 20 and that's doing you a favour.

我出20英镑 算是帮你忙

And in return, I might do you a favour.

作为回报 我可以帮你个忙

They actually look after me. I did them a favour once.

他们挺照顾我的 之前我帮过他们的忙

Geoffrey. I'm here to ask a favour of you.

杰弗瑞 我来这是请你帮个忙

Do me a favour and hit me over the head again.

帮我个忙 再给我头上来一下吧

So, what can I do for you? It's only a tiny favour.

需要我帮什么 一个小忙而已

So I've done you a favour in return.

所以作为报答 我也帮了你一个忙