
音标/读音 [pri:'rekwizit]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 先决条件的, 必要的
n. 先决条件, 必备条件

n. something that is required in advance
s. required as a prior condition or course of study



It is the prerequisite for all the power he grants.


The statement is a prerequisite for your release.


Pretty is not a prerequisite for muling.


A human brain would be ideal, but not a prerequisite.

人脑是比较理想的 但不是先决条件

The money's good, and it doesn't require prerequisites.

至少挣得多 也不需要去预修什么课程

Anthropologically speaking, homosexuality is not a prerequisite for crossdressing.

从人类学角度上来说 同性恋并不是穿异性服装的先决条件

Military strategy wasn't a prerequisite for me getting my job.

军事战略才能不是我 得到这份工作的必要条件

Knowing things is a kind of a prerequisite for passing exams.

通过考试的前提 就是学知识

No, you know, we may not like it, but democracy is no longer a prerequisite for a healthy economy.

不 也许你不爱听 但是*已经 不再是健康经济的先决条件了

I found out he had a mistress on the side, which I guess is a prerequisite of an Italian gangster to have a mistress.

但我发现他有一个* 我想有一名* 是成为意大利黑帮成员的前提