
音标/读音 [in'skraibd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 内切的;记名的;有铭刻的

s. written (by handwriting, printing, engraving, or carving) on or in a surface



I remember the night he inscribed it.


We've inscribed each one with words of affirmation.


He's inscribed all the names of the patients who were killed.

看 他列出了死亡病人名单

The robbers inscribed their deeds on the rooftop.


These are inscribed rather deeply about almost an inch or so.


The location of the wayfinder, has been inscribed upon this dagger.

寻路仪的位置 被刻在了这把刀上

We must find the best way for you to inscribe your truth on it.

我们要找到记录你 眼中世界的最佳方式

But, in theory, this circle I inscribed will contain the demon.

但是理论上 我画的这个圈可以困住恶魔

Both guys had wedding rings, but the killer's is inscribed with a name.

兩人都戴婚戒 但兇手的戒指上刻了名字

The sheath is inscribed with special runes to protect him from the heat.

刀鞘上刻了特殊的符文 来保护他自己不会被灼伤