
音标/读音 ['dʒeilә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 看守监狱的人, 狱卒
[法] 看守, 狱卒, 监狱管理员

n someone who guards prisoners



My father may be a reluctant jailer, but he's still a jailer.

我父亲也许是个不得已的狱卒 但他终归是个狱卒

We are not jailers, we are not reformers.

我们不是狱卒 也不是改革家

Well, if I am to have a jailer, then you would be my preferred choice.

要是我可以选监狱看守 你会是我喜欢的人选

She's down at county jail, screaming your name out at the jailer.

她被关进郡监狱 一直对看守大喊你的名字

Someone who spoke out, who stood up, to the jailers, puppets.

有个人说出真相 勇敢面对 那些狱卒 那些傀儡

He's got a keen sense of irony, our jailer.

他特别喜欢这种讽刺感 把我们囚禁的人

While, across town, the past was proving to be a cruel jailer.

在镇子另一边 过去就是残酷的狱卒

I know you were a petty criminal thrown in jail for shoplifting a loaf of bread, and while you were in there, the jailers went caroling in the cell block, and five men held you down and took your virginity.

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