
音标/读音 [sik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 原文如此

v. urge to attack someone
r. intentionally so written (used after a printed word or phrase)



I...I didn't mean to sic the whole world on you.


I'm going to sic my lackeys onto you.


All right, I'm gonna sic my dog on you.

好吧 那我就放狗出来咬你

I'm going to sic my lackeys upon you.


I'm gonna sic my hair dresser on you.


And if he doesn't, I can always just sic your boyfriend on him.

如果不是 我反正还能放你男朋友咬他

That shit's supposed to be confidential, and she goes and sics the sheriff on me.

这件事本来应该是秘密 她却泄密并让警长来追捕我

Before you sic your henchmen on us, let me introduce my colleagues.

在你让手下动手前 请容我介绍我的同事

I gave my last five to the groundskeeper to sic a goose on my friend.

我把最后的五块零钱给管理员了 让他放鹅咬我朋友

Look, let me ask around, see what I can find out before you sic the police on him.

在你让警察去查问他之前 先让我去打听一下 也许我能弄清楚