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◎ 单词释义

n. 窒息

s. causing difficulty in breathing especially through lack of fresh air and presence of heat


1. If I'm into them, then I'm too *othering.

如果我对他们示好 他们就会觉得我太粘人

2. Someone who thinks I won't *other them with a pillow while they're asleep, until I *other them with a pillow while they're asleep.

认为我不会在她们睡梦中 用枕头闷死她们 直到我在睡梦中用枕头闷死了她们

3. But you're not gonna do that by *othering her.

<font color=#00d8f8>㲻</font>

4. My fault because I was *othering him.

我的错 因为我让他感到窒息

5. They withhold it, they *other the fire.

它们减少氧气 就能熄灭火

6. I don't think I could *other my baby.


7. His buddy *othered him with a pillow.


8. He likes to be strangled or *othered.

他喜欢被人掐着 体验窒息的*

9. I'm willing to *other it in its crib.


10. After that, she was *othered, probably with a pillow.

然后她被闷死了 可能是用枕头
