
音标/读音 ['frendlis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 没有朋友的, 无依无靠的

s. excluded from a society



We're not as helpless or as friendless as you think.


I thought I was doomed to be friendless forever.


You have been very kind to me and to my sister, kind when we were both friendless.

你一直对我和我姐姐很好 在我们无依无靠的时候

I suppose there's some virtue in being uprooted and friendless.

看来搬家 没有朋友也有些好处

I was homeless, aimless, fatherless and friendless.

我无家可归 没有目标 没有父亲也没有朋友

I was legit friendless and feeling socal sorry for myself.

我正式没朋友了 我真为我自己感到难过

She does not like to think of me being alone and friendless at such a time.

她很不愿见到我在这种时候孤孤单单 无人陪伴

I wasn't put on this earth to be a poor and friendless spinster.


Left him trapped, isolated, friendless in that school.

让他独自一人被丢在那所学校 没有朋友 遭人孤立

I have been completely friendless at this place for a good two years.

整整两年来 我在这个地方都没有朋友