
音标/读音 ['tɒpikl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 论题的, 题目的, 时事问题的, 局部的
[医] 局部的

s. pertaining to the surface of a body part
a. of or relating to or arranged by topics
s. of interest at the present time



Oh, my god, and then you could, you know, walk from topic to topic.

天呐 然后还可以 在话题间游走

After me and you have a chat about that very topic.


If it wasn't injected, it could have been topical.

如果不是注射的 可能是用于涂抹局部

And my personal life is not the topic here.


I don't believe it matters what the topic is.


If this is freestyle, I pick the topic.

如果是自由创作 就由我来选主题

On this topic, I have perilously little of it.

在这件事上 我没什么耐心

What? It's a topical pain reliever.

什么 那是一种热带镇痛药

You've given testimony about that very topic before.


I have evolved my views on this topic.

在这个问题上 我有了新的想法