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◎ 单词释义

n. 大亨



I do it all the time. It's no biggie.

我总停在爱心车位 没什么大不了的

No biggie, and no electricity, no leasey.

没什么大不了 没电 没租约

No biggie. I like doing things for you.

没什么大不了的 我喜欢为你做事

If you want to. I mean, it's no biggy.


Also, I'm just an uncle, so no biggie.

而且我只是某人的叔叔 不看也没啥

So anything that this headboard does against that wall, is no biggie.

所以床头和墙之间有什么动静 都不会影响我

A few bruises, some stitches, nono biggie.

一点瘀伤 缝了几针 没什么大碍

Because this next one's a biggie electricity.

因为下一项是大花销 电费

Just give him the bell. It's no biggie.

就给他们看看吧 没什么大不了的

I'll get the ring back from her, it's no biggie.

我会把戒指从她手里拿回来 没什么大不了的