
音标/读音 ['stripә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 剥...的人, 刮毛器, 折卸器, 剥皮器, 露天矿矿工, 低产井, 枯竭井
[化] 汽提塔; 去漆药水

n. a chemical compound used to remove paint or varnish
n. a worker who strips the stems from moistened tobacco leaves and binds the leaves together into books
n. a performer who provides erotic entertainment by undressing to music



Jewel is a stripper's name, a really slutty stripper.

宝石是脱衣舞娘用的名字 特别*的那种

Right, of you going against a stripper when you so famously slept with that summer associate who was also a stripper.

没错 你要与一名脱衣舞娘对簿公堂 与此同时众所周知 你睡的那名暑期实习生 同时也是名脱衣舞娘

Everybody wants to date a stripper or burlesque dancer until they actually start dating a stripper or burlesque dancer.

人人都想和脱衣舞者或者滑稽舞者交往 但当他们真的和这些人交往后就不这么想了

You know, this the type of stuff that makes them grow up to be strippers, and I'm not talking about the good strippers, you know, the flexible ones that know how to clap they booty.

就是这种事 才使孩子们走上脱衣舞者的歧路 我说的还不是那种敬业的脱衣舞者 就是身体灵活 知道怎么扭臀的那种

No, none of the strippers would have him.

可别 现在连脱衣舞娘都不想要他

Bro, that's why he didn't have to pay the strippers.

兄弟 就是因此他才不用给脱衣女郎付钱

Well, a stripper, if we're being honest.

坦率地说 我是个脱衣*

Look, I I am conflicted about strippers.

听着 我对脱衣*的感觉很矛盾

Yeah, if you want her to be a stripper.

是啊 如果你想让她当脱衣舞娘

You lie to your mom about being a stripper.
