
音标/读音 [bilk]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 欺骗, 赖帐, 使受挫折
n. 赖帐者, 骗子

v. cheat somebody out of what is due, especially money
v. evade payment to



You bilked us out of thousands of dollars.


You know, bilking insurance companies on bogus claims.

你知道 就是用虚假控告骗取保险公司的钱

I don't care. I have no problems with a bad guy getting bilked.

我不在乎 我不介意坏人被敲诈

Or maybe sandpiper preyed on mentally incompetent seniors and bilked them out of their money.

那么也许矶鹞渡专挑有精神疾病的老年人 骗走了他们的钱财

'cause I'm not letting that bastard get away with bilking people out of their hardearned money.

因为我不会让那个* 坑了别人的辛苦钱然后逍遥法外

They've bilked employees out of millions in unpaid overtime and engaged in a coverup at the highest level.

他们欠下员工无数加班费 并且瞒天过海

Okay, yeah, because I'd just discovered she bilked me out of tens of thousands of dollars through identity theft.

是啊 因为我刚刚发现 她盗用我的身份 挥霍了一大笔钱

Then you can help me bring down a millionaire mogul who made his fortune bilking nursinghome residents.

那你来帮我扳倒一个 靠诈骗养老院居民敛财的百万富翁大亨

Eh, of course the check bounced, and it turns out you have quite the history of bilking people out of their money.

当然支票没办法兑现 后来发现你原来在诈骗钱财上 还颇有历史呢

After trying to bilk the insurance system, as I imagine, they'll get nothing less than a firing squad.

她们试图骗保 我猜 她们除了被枪决之外什么都得不到