
音标/读音 ['wikә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 柳条
a. 柳条编的

n. slender flexible branches or twigs (especially of willow or some canes); used for wickerwork
n. work made of interlaced slender branches (especially willow branches)



Next up after the break, wicker, the new leather.

广告之后 欢迎大家收看 柳条 新型皮制品

Clearly I'd just gotten up from a wicker chair.


Wickers, I know I've been harsh, boy, but I only ever wanted the best for you.

Wickers 我知道我一直很严厉 孩子 但我这都是为了你好

I did see my mother converse with an imp in the shape of a *all mouse, which she did keep hidden in a wicker bottle.

我确实看见我妈妈和小恶魔在说话 一张小嘴若隐若现 因为它一直藏在藤罐里

I think I can safely say if we had any wicker, or indeed we could touch anything, we could all make a pretty radlooking basket.

我覺得如果我們有柳條 或者可以碰到東西 就可以做一個漂亮的籃子了

I see a propensity for obesity, poverty, a yen for fairy tales, folks putting what few bucks they do have into little, wicker baskets being passed around.

我发现这些人都偏肥胖 贫穷 渴望童话般得美好 人们把他们仅有的那点钱 放进那个依次传递的 小篮子里面