
音标/读音 [ә'bʌt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

v. 邻接, 毗邻

v lie adjacent to another or share a boundary



You're abutting a wide residential zone here.


Lodged into the aortic arch and abutting the pulmonary artery.


What's more, the building where he was dumped abuts this playground, close enough for him to have been carried.

除此之外 抛尸地点离这片操场很近 这距离足以让凶手把他搬过去

I think they very probably are, given that your beds abut directly onto theirs.

我想他们很可能是在偷 毕竟你们两家的煤层是连着的

And if you think abut it, I didn't even really lie, because it turns out this is my healing place.

如果仔细想想看 我也不算说谎 因为原来这就是能治愈我的地方

42yearold woman lost control of her car and hit into a bridge abutment.

42岁女性 车辆失控撞上了桥墩

The tumor's abutting and possibly infiltrating the white matter tracts of her fornix.

肿瘤紧挨着甚至可能渗入了 她脑穹庐的白质束

Your bedroom's right here, within the imaginary walls that directly abut this sofa.

你的卧室就在这 想象一个无形的墙壁 紧挨着沙发

First one went 60 miles an hour into a bridge abutment.


However, in areas where the bedrock is deep and covered by glacial sediment, in those cases, it's very difficult to build tall buildings because you need to root those buildings either into solid rock or build concrete abutments called caissons that can support tall buildings.

然而 在基岩位置较深 并被冰川沉积物所覆盖的地区 像这种情况 就很难建高楼 因为要么得深入地底以基岩为地基 要么只能用混凝土墩台 即沉箱 来支撑高楼