
音标/读音 ['rʌfʃɒd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 马蹄上装有防滑钉的

s. (of a horse) having horseshoes with projecting nails to prevent slipping



I'll be your biggest champion, but your days of running roughshod through this community are over.

我会是你的最大的支持者 但你在这个社区里一意孤行的日子 已经结束了

Well, slim pickings, way you're running roughshod over this county.

你在这 拿暴力管理哈兰这套还挺好的

I thought you were gonna bring down the temple, and instead you let them run roughshod all over you.

我以为你要大闹天宫 你却任由他们仗势欺人