
音标/读音 [.ʌn'ɑ:nsәd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 未答复的, 无反应的

s. not returned in kind



It's not the threat. It's the unanswered question.

重点不是威胁 而是未解答的问题

To me, there's a lot of unanswered questions.

对我而言 这一切存在许多未解的疑问

I do wish you wouldn't leave my texts unanswered.


I pray that their prayers go unanswered.


My attempts to reach him by letter have gone unanswered.

我试图以书信联系 但皆无回音

She got six calls today, all unanswered.

她今天收到六个电话 都没有接

They had to make a sequel, there were so many unanswered questions.

有这么多未解之谜 他们必须得出续集

It's just, after all these years, so many unanswered questions.

只是 这么多年过去了 这么多未解的问题

All I know is it is an unanswered question, so I am gonna ask it.

我只知道 这是个未解答的问题 所以我得去问问

Unanswered questions. I've considered every variable.

有些问题尚未得到回答 我已经考虑过所有变量了