
音标/读音 [dʒu:'lai]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 七月

n. the month following June and preceding August



Julie, I understand your concern. I do.

朱莉 我理解你的担忧 真的理解

Julie, we don't have a life together.

朱莉 我跟你没什么家庭

Julie, this is much more than my work now.

朱莉 他不仅仅是我的工作

Julie would kill me if she find out I was back over here.

茱莉要是发现我还来这 非杀了我

Julie, there's no easy way to say this.

朱莉 要开这个口不容易

Julie, come out here and take a bow.

朱莉 出来吧 谢个幕

July 4th is a very dehydrating holiday.


Julie, it's not funny. It's kinda funny.

朱莉 并不好笑 有点好笑

He and his wife julie, they had this incredible relationship.


...thanksgiving, 4th of july, you name it.

感恩节 独立日 随你挑