

音标/读音 ['prisi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 谨小慎微的, 大惊小怪的, 为小事挂虑的

s exaggeratedly proper
s excessively fastidious and easily disgusted



As if you were some prissy little princess.


Although they are a bit prissy for my tastes.

虽然对我来说 她们有些神经质

They're not a bunch of prissy, powertripping asshats.

他们不是假正经 自我膨胀的*

He's too prissy to ever work up a good lather.

他太拘谨了 都不会好好打肥皂泡

Besides, he's all into that prissy, beautiful, elegant rich girl.

再说了 他的心里只有那个 白富美的大小姐

You know, c'est moi... you prissy, homophobic, selfhating bitch.

这就是我 你个软弱恐同又神经质的小*

And that's a quote from a prissy, bureaucratic hick clinging to her own little fiefdom.

这是某个死死守着 自己那一亩三分地的神经质官僚土老帽的原话

By the way, since we're the gnarliest members of the band, for two hours we chop wood for a living, and they're prissy little fiddling in front of this thing.

对了 因为我们鼓手是乐队里最拉风的 我们要锤两个小时的鼓 而他们就在那里就摆弄他们的吉他