

音标/读音 ['dʒentlmәnli]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 绅士的, 绅士派头的

s befitting a man of good breeding



He's a gentleman, I'm a gentleman's daughter.


I have plans with a gentleman tonight, and I'm hoping he's not gonna be a gentleman.

我今天和一位绅士有安排 我希望他的行为不要太"绅士"

A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell, but I'm no gentleman, and it's hard to kiss a woman from behind.

真汉子不会打啵完就到处说 但我不是真汉子 而且从她"背后来" 也很难打啵

The gentleman was sure that the other gentleman would not be such a jerk and let his friend's dreams come true.

本绅士认为对方辩友 不是个* 而会让他的朋友梦想成真

And I should not call myself a gentleman.


If you'd have been a gentleman, you'd have forgotten all about it, but not you.

如果你是個紳士 就該忘了那晚的事 可你就不

Only when the gentleman has already been in.


I'm more of a gentleman than you'll ever be.


You are a gentleman, and this is war.

你是位绅士 但这是战争

As a gentleman, I can't discuss it further.

作为一名绅士 我不能再说过多了