
音标/读音 [ti:m]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 队, 组
vt. 把马(牛)套在同一辆车上, 把...编成一组
vi. 驾驶卡车, 协作

n. a cooperative unit (especially in sports)
n. two or more draft animals that work together to pull something
v. form a team



He's on my team, that's what the team is for.

他是我队上的人 球队就该这么做

I'm part of the team that team is on.


it's your team and it should remain your team.

是你的团队 所以它还是应该属于你

She's part of the team. I don't have a team.

她也是团队的一员 我没有什么团队

We are not a team. I don't want you on my team.

我们不是一个团队 我不想跟你一个团队

One team on the left, one team on the right, and one team on entry.

一队走左边 一队走右边 一队守住入口

We came in as a team, we are going out as a team.

我们是一起的 始终要在一起

I mean the team that protected its own, because that's what teams do.

我是指那个会保护成员的团队 因为团队就应该这样

Team or no team, you were supposed to have her back.

无论有没有后援队 你都应该保护她的

We're a team, and this team is all you'll ever need.

我们是个团队 你不需要其他的了